@article{oai:otsuma.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005599, author = {松村, 恒}, journal = {大妻比較文化 : 大妻女子大学比較文化学部紀要, Otsuma journal of comparative culture}, month = {}, note = {P(論文), 説話の流伝を考える上でユダヤの貢献を無視することはできないが、今日まで語学力の貧困さのためと、資料を閲覧する努力を怠っていたので、インドと西洋の間が欠落していて、いつも情けない思いをしていた。幸いにも平成17年度は大妻学院からスタディリーヴを許可され、その前半はSOASに籍を置いてその図書館に毎日出入りする機会に恵まれた(ロンドン大学内の他図書館、大英図書館も随時訪れた)。本来の仕事の合間にその方面の書架も覗いてみると、見るべくして見ずにいたビン・ゴリオンやギンズバーグの膨大な集成本もあり、これまでどうして勉強しなかったのかと悔やむこと頻りであった(それでもこれまで我が国では全く無視されていたベレキア・ハ・ナクダンの寓話集のヘブライ語からの和訳は秘かに計画し、毎日就寝前の数分を利用して一日一話を励行している)。それとは別にこれまで論究した説話で、そのパラレルとしてユダヤのものを抜かしたことの補いをここで雑録風に果たして(その他のことがらも備忘用に込めてあるが)、リーヴ中の主目的は別途発表のこととし、ここでは副産物の一端の報告ともしたい。, The present paper is a part of result of my research carried out during my study leave from April 2005 to March 2006. Although this is a byproduct in course of doing a main project, i.e. compiling a critical edition of the Civaravastu, it was also needed to make some amendments to my previous works. In XXXVII I add some Jewish material to the transmission line of the Everyman story and provide a supplement to my bibliography of the first and secondary sources on the Everyman. In XXXVIII also some additions are made from Jewish material having connection to Le lai de Voiselet. Some studies on this lai are reviewed and criticized. Out of my indications the most important fact is that there is a parallel story in the Southern tradition of the Pancatantra, of which I was completely ignorant at the time when I wrote my previous article. The Southern tradition of it has not been fully treated so far except a few scholars, but I would like to make emphasis on the significance of this tradition in various aspects. A parable "a man in the well" has been discussed by many scholars up to now, but it seems that the final work is still desideratum. XXXIX treats of related material which have not been discussed fully by former studies. Because this parable was incorporated into the Kalilah and Dimnah and the Barlaam and Josaphat, further additions may be still possible from some versions of these texts which were circulated most widely in the medieval world. A story "a tortoise and two geese" formed a favourite theme for both Eastern and Western scholars. It seems that nothing has been left unsaid about the literature on it. In XL necessity of an examination into relationship between art objects and the literature is advocated. A critical review of Grey's Concordance of the Jataka is given in the Excursus. XLI is no more than mere reference to Schiefner's article on a story of Rhampsinit. In XLII a Japanese translation of "Ants" of Theobaldus's Physiologus is provided.}, pages = {85--119}, title = {Analecta Indica}, volume = {7}, year = {2006} }